Saturday, May 22, 2010

Call the Guinness Books

It's been a while since my last blog... sorry. But for other who don't care or rather not have to take the time out of their day to read.... your welcome.

Things around here have been fairly boring lately.  We have begun OTA's (off season team activities)
so that means the level of seriousness has stepped up.  Three days a week we are meeting in the mornings, practicing as a team and getting a lift in.  YES kickers have to lift too. (I have actually gained about 8 pounds since coming here).  Things are going well.

That also means that I am not playing golf as much... good thing for the snakes on the course. And I am going to bed earlier... Last night I stayed up past 12 for the first time in a while and the last hour was rough. I don't know what it is about staying up. If I don't have anything the next morning I feel obligated to stay up later, regardless if I am doing anything in particular or not, which then leads me to sleep in a little bit the next morning groggily, thus changing my whole day. Instead of (as Jeff would say) "happening to life" I think it more allows life to happen to me, for what thats worth.

Anyway, last night I set a new record and this is something worth noting.  The record was the most weight in a hunter green VW cabrio convertible.  My buddy from UVA is in town playing arena football against the Dallas Vigilantes... Van's new team, and I picked up him and two of his buddies for dinner at PF Chingy Changs last night.

( I thought another visual of my car was necessary for the full effect)

We had a total bodily weight of about 880 lbs give or take 30 in that tiny little car. Of course the top was down.  Needless to say many people we drove by were pretty impressed 4 grown men could make a cabrio look so good... hardly.  I still can't figure out why so many people were laughing though, I don't have any funny bumper stickers on the back of the car. But anyway we managed to survive driving through and around Dallas despite some really really bad drivers. You really look at driving totally different when you are head height to the hub and rubber of the 18 wheels of an 18 wheeler.  No top on and no windows up.  The Lord provides.

Well that's about it for now. Tonight I am going to the Arena game in Dallas to see some former teammates and friends play. Should be fun!

Hope everyone is well

PS when there is that much weight in the car acceleration is severely limited..... and so is braking.  There is no need to call myth busters, you can take my honest word for it. SCARY.

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