Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Tips for Living Extended

Here's a list of a few things I have learned while living in the Extended Stay here in Dallas.
One of these tips may save you some serious cash over your the span of your life...

1. Don't buy stuff that requires an oven
Why? You don't have one
--Save your sanity by not buying a frozen pizza that won't fit in the microwave.

2. Buy Ziploc containers, you know, the kind like Tupperware, but cheaper and less permanent.
Why? These will not only come in handy for storing food like cous cous and rice (since your cooking for one), but will also double as a measuring cup.
--Save about 4 bucks.

3. Buy Purex 3in 1 Laundry Sheets
Why? It's a one stop... It goes in the wash, it goes in the dryer, and they are a good price for the convenience.. about as much as just detergent but without all the liquidy mess.
--Save a hassle and a few bucks

4. Don't buy too much breakfast food.
Why? They provide it free downstairs in the lobby. Just make sure to plan ahead for the weekends if you want to sleep in.  PS. They don't carry cereal or OJ
--Save 5-15 bucks a week.

5. Use your room key to press the elevator buttons
Why? You don't know where other people's hands have been. Those little buttons could just harvest some nasty flu stuff.

6. Don't go #2 right before bed unless you have some spray.
Why? The air conditioner has no constant fan mode,  so unless you want a stop and go, on and off jet stream right next to your head throughout the night (jet turbine noise cut to complete silence repeatedly), you will want to leave the bathroom door open to utilize the buzz of that fan to drown out any surrounding noises aka crazy people in the hall.
--Save years of your life (studies link good sleep to longevity)

7. Look forward to Thursdays (or whatever day you checked in)
Why? This is maid day. Though I have yet to actually see them, my room is cleaned, I get fresh towels, and my bed is made on Thursdays. It's quite nice.
--Save some time on cleaning Wednesday night.

8. When Traveling, look to buy your airline tickets on Tuesdays.  For some reason as I have monitored various airlines and flight bookers, Tuesday seems to be the day of the dipper. Not always spot on but usually gives you the edge in finding cheaper fare... that is, if your at least a month out.
-- Save from 20-60 bucks or so each trip!

Hope that helps anyone out there if you are ever in the troubled state of.... living extended.

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